September 18, 2011

rabb it up

Ian Rabb. I have been seriously hating this name and person since the last civic election. Didn't know much about the candidate, nor cared to when he pulled the sleazy politician's move of plastering his face fifteen feet high over the sides of buildings his family manages for WinPark Dorchester. Such opportunism profiteering from wide open, likely free, space. Ad space that would usually cost you significant dollars, placed huge at oft traveled corners like Main St and River Ave. You couldn't help but repeatedly see his smiling conservative grin.

Living in an apartment, you can be discouraged from even placing an election sign in your window. I said can, most people are allowed and some do place signs, but depending on your location in the building it often won't even be seen. Who has the right to advertise for one candidate on the sides of multiple people's homes because they own/manage the building? You couldn't even place a sign on a lawn for most apartments and his status allows him to use these buildings as his personal billboards? Living there would feel like having your opinion trampled, facing those obnoxious large signs.

And then! When he didn't win against Jenni Gerbasi, the signs came back long before any election was being talked about. Obviously attempting to brand his name into consciousness, recruiting those conservative voters and being repetitively droned into recognition.

So now he's running in the provincial election for Fort Garry/Riverview. Which means as I strolled Fort Garry visiting the family, feeling conspicuously not part of the neighborhood, I saw blue Rabb signs around me, competing with James Allun orange, just a few Kevin Freedman reds. Pretty typical of political representation at that level. And as I reflected about how much I dislike Rabb, an SUV pulled up in front of me. With yet another Ian Rabb face (sticker, this time) reflected off the door, it was hard to avoid his face looking through the window as well. Interesting timing...

So he actually has an interesting history. Former drug addict, cocaine and ecstasy, former escort (for the ladies) who has even acted in porn (gasp! no word on who he partnered), says his decision making skills were twisted by the addiction he fought his entire life. I admire the addiction rehabilitation centres he's set up and overseen, finding his life's grounding in helping others overcome their own addictions. Regardless, the conservation line and crime views he perpetuates doesn't endear him to me.

Don't avoid the vote. Regardless of my views, everyone should put their mind to paper at election time. If you don't know what's going on lots of people care to inform you. Active civic community involvement creates neighbourhoods, amenities we want, traffic decisions that we agree with. Instead of relying on small numbers to make decisions and moaning afterwards, figure out now what matters to you and who would best represent your thoughts. Isn't that what it's about?

September 16, 2011

always take the weather with you

The weather has turned, cruelly banishing bathing suits and lack of... it's time for sweaters and heavy socks, cuddling for warmth. There are things I love about this weather - baking sweets with my little helper, teaching measuring and filling, mixing and dumping. Earl Grey tea with heavy cream and honey warming cold fingers. It's always the fingertips... awkward typing with shivering fingertips, only from the knuckles down. Silly winnipeg cold forcing me to turn on the heat. I resisted all day after getting home thinking the days would warm our old house. Sadly no and the heat went today.


 Goodbye Toronto beaches, ferrying over to Hanlan for sunshine and sand, climbing trees wandering rare grass quiet not often found in TO. These last few trips will fly by before layoff, perhaps heading westwards once more. New crews to finish off the year with and friends not seen all summer. I enjoyed my summer, though conflicted around liking my crew and half spareboard fill-ins. It felt like hardly working, especially with an entire August off after toe break 2011...

 These last couple trips back have been great. Sunny skies through still green shield, coach and night duty easy trips. I slid among harried crew, smiling offering support. read, watched, edited, looked, hid, conversed. made friends. avoided others. Always dancing, still fresh among all the extra'd non stop working crew. Money money, how can i acquire more?? But I'd rather time at home, time with my boys and to enjoy the heat. Time to stroll Assiniboine Park, swim Pinawa Beach, enjoy Exchange festivals... Winter hides me inside and if I were away all summer? When to enjoy??

 Christel and Joey got married this past weekend after ten years together. The wedding was fantastic, of course, every detail lovingly brought out through friends and family. The support that glues a couple together and holds them. I remember reading a piece a few years back comparing north american divorce statistics with other emerging countries, such as India. Apart from societal expectations put in place around marriage, a key piece to marital happiness revolved around expectations partners had for each other. Here we've been raised to expect that your spouse completes you, your lives revolve around each other and they should fulfill every part of you. Whereas other cultures pride their extended families, sisters, friends and others with filling some of those needs. It's a heavy burden to place on a spouse to fulfill every need singlehandedly, one that can be easily shared when we have good people in our lives. In the end, seeing all the love come together to celebrate these two, who've literally grown up together and decided they still love each other most, was inspiring. I knew I would cry and surely did as she canoed to the beach with her father and sister. I was so glad we could share her day!

Quel septembre. Quel changements de saison, de plus 30 degres a moins 2 dans des jours!
Silly and strange. That's how I like my septembres.

September 15, 2011

What the?

I've had even less time than I'd thought to keep up with everything this summer. Certainly this blog, friends we haven't seen enough of and family the same. But, it's been a very full summer. full to brimming. Writing comes hard these days even during the few slow moments I've had. Something is brewing, hanging back out of sight... i hope to discover it during my escape eastwards at layoff. Some much needed time alone, mornings to sleep and move through uncharted days.

Working on the road I always feel guilty for the time I'm already away. Though I've needed time away, alone since nearly the spring, it's only now coming together. So I escape (which will likely be read badly, negatively). It will be here before I know, only handfuls of trips left. Hardly anything before I'll head to Quebec City mid november. The plan, to blow through Toronto and nearly completely Montreal to train QC interior. Stop a base in Quebec City, rent a car and drive around for a few days eating well, exploring alone... Ahhh, i can't wait. Somewhere I know nearly no one, though the guilt for not stopping in on family in Montreal has already plagued me. Is this the mother's cliche, guilt for everything always? Sounds so ladies journal.

Some plans will have to slowly come together, searching a good couchsurfing match in the city for one. And finding a car... i wonder if i can avoid rental agencies. all things to figure out.

J'adore le premier jour du retour.
It's the perfect day. i am welcomed by my boys, picked up by 1030. We play, unpack the suitcase and fix lunch. Then it's time to continue routine and put J down for a nap. Never with us, too much a change to his expectations (and he does go down amazingly well as long as it's mostly the same). We've cottaged at different outposts, overnighted at both sides of grandparents, stayed in tents and with large groups. He goes down easily or lays there playing quietly, periodically getting loud and requiring rebuke. That nap is so necessary! I can't understand parents whose kids outgrow naps early. Here's to hoping he naps up to kindergarten.

So we get some quiet time, relax reconnect watch shows or collapse exhaustedly into sleep. If I do, I'll sleep hard. Then afternoon cuddles return, along with usually sending dad off to work. We make dinner, do something fun like baking together and end up strolling to the park in hoodies and him in rubber boots. his choice. It's the perfect day. i get all arranged if it isn't already. Start prep for the week at home. A perfect stay around home recover and time with my little guy uninterrupted.

c'est parfait