I discovered SecretTweets.com tonight and it's the most fascinating, heartbreaking look into people's secret hearts. Remember the installation PostSecret where people mailed in postcards, homemade, bought or plain with just a secret on it? I saw it at the Winnipeg Art Gallery a few years ago and remember being captivated by the short, static summary of a secret each was carrying around. Some were funny, some insanely serious, but essentially it was such a peekhole into the recesses of their minds...
Secrettweets is a site where people can post a secret to twitter anonymously. Now I am not a fan of Twitter (despite hearing about it ad nauseam and hearing both sides often) but the first page caught me immediately with:
I want to finish work but I don't want to go home as he'll be there to mentally bully me. It would be easier if I didn't love him.
Whoa. Then:
I fear more than anything that my racial thoughts and tendencies will prevent me from being a good teacher.
You asked if I was having an affair with your husband. I lied.
I feel loneliest on the bus home from work as I know an empty apartment awaits me. I often have to choke back the tears.
My husband rarely talks to me. So when he's sleeping I look through his phone, his car & his clothes to see how his day went.
All these thoughts... feelings... secrets that they don't share with anyone. We're all walking around leading secret lives, our outer exposed composure a different face then the one we hide inside, apart from even our loves and closest friends. How sad. You can leave comments too.. Then the seriousness is broken up by
Going in for a vasectomy tomorrow, the doc says "bring an ipod". If there was ever a harder playlist to come up with...
My coworker and I got high together. I cant help but wonder if she wanted to have wild crazy sex with me as much as I wanted with her
I put tabasco in your pie. Thats why it tasted so bad.
It's consuming reading these and addictive. To have such a clear view past the mask and see the true thoughts... How many secrets can you keep before the fractured pieces don't hold together anymore? And the "tweeting rules" of only using so many characters keep things strangely concise.
This tore at my stomach:
This yr I am going to tell u that the reason I cldnt be your maid of honor or in the wedding ws bc your dad raped me 6 six yrs ago.
If you check it out, I'd love to know what you think about it.
Oh man that is intense, but it is an interesting contrast between real twitter and this, real twitter is almost emotionless and this is soo extreme, I really in a weird way enjoyed the honesty, not the secrets, sometimes just posting it makes you feel better.