then i set it aside. the lists sits idle buried on the desk while we make snowmen in the yard early Saturday when the sticky late night downfall rolled perfect instant snowballs, my boy munching carrots and getting dirty in the mucky wet yard. We've been ricocheted to family birthday party with usual undercurrents of frustration, an overtired but appreciated visit with my midwife Kat who hadn't been seen since Jude was two months, goodbye tears with my youngest Mimi who flew to Hong Kong Friday but got stuck in Calgary for a day and now roams buddhist temples and crowded marketplaces. then we added insane reconnection time for our three man family. How lovely to manage so much time together despite a friday and saturday and monday that rivalled insanity in things to get done.
But we did everything we'd hoped, including an incredible show with Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers. Everytime I catch them live the energy catches me, how each moves and dances with abandon, completely embracing the project and whatever they need to do. I can't imagine any egos onstage going I don't sing/dance maniacally/drum garbagecans/wear an improbable huge costume while trumpetting (or even more improbably but insanely impressive, tromboning!!!).
The songs intricately crafted, his melodic theatrical mesmerizing voice commanding above it. Each has their moments though, as the bass player throws his frame around the stage dueling drums or piano or voice. I got some great shots of the show a few months ago and were i not shy of walking in front i'd have more. Still, who can't love six hot trained musicians that make folk mythic music that coils inside and rocks you end to end. Winnipeg grown too - this is the stuff I love to find!
Chris and I kicked ourselves hard for not seeing them perform the Where the Wild Things Are rock opus they wrote in the past couple years. When the second act brought three songs each perfectly encompassed of the story we all know (and as he wails "i'll EAT you up" and growls I'll eat you up and moans "i'll eat. You. up.", he is the boy in the wolf suit). then the wild rumpus began and I couldn't believe how we'd missed seeing it once at the Park Theatre and again during fringe fest last year where we didn't attend any shows, again.... We won't make that mistake again. this a show we have to make it to!
It was so worth going. Ended far too soon as music like this should continue late into the night, drinks in hand and rocking dance floor romances forming as bodies move to old time tunes. the kitchen parties and music that continues while players float in and out and forms on its own.
Since it ended early we made it to an east kildonan prairie social where 420 tickets sold along traditional 50/50 and auction tickets. the train and non-train friends were both great to see as we trolled dressed to nines in suspender shorts and bowties. Not your usual social attire but of course our priorities lay in looking good for the show ;) obviously. I didn't win (obviously, because i never do unless the prize of alcohol is useless to me in pregnancy). But great to catch up with those we often don't see and enjoy our night out together to the ends. Then we came home and tangled the sheets... another pro to moving out of the family bed last month when he'd be 21months. As much as i miss sleeping with a warm, cuddly snugglebug.... i am loving the freedom of bedtime when we choose and playtime when we want, extra space in our queen size without our 5ft toddler taking up half the room. We can chat in bed without worrying about waking him. And he sleeps through the night almost every night, waking between 4-7a.m. but leaning to the latter most days. Oh it's been heavenly!
And now, adieu.
It was so worth going. Ended far too soon as music like this should continue late into the night, drinks in hand and rocking dance floor romances forming as bodies move to old time tunes. the kitchen parties and music that continues while players float in and out and forms on its own.
Since it ended early we made it to an east kildonan prairie social where 420 tickets sold along traditional 50/50 and auction tickets. the train and non-train friends were both great to see as we trolled dressed to nines in suspender shorts and bowties. Not your usual social attire but of course our priorities lay in looking good for the show ;) obviously. I didn't win (obviously, because i never do unless the prize of alcohol is useless to me in pregnancy). But great to catch up with those we often don't see and enjoy our night out together to the ends. Then we came home and tangled the sheets... another pro to moving out of the family bed last month when he'd be 21months. As much as i miss sleeping with a warm, cuddly snugglebug.... i am loving the freedom of bedtime when we choose and playtime when we want, extra space in our queen size without our 5ft toddler taking up half the room. We can chat in bed without worrying about waking him. And he sleeps through the night almost every night, waking between 4-7a.m. but leaning to the latter most days. Oh it's been heavenly!
And now, adieu.
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