February 27, 2010

sickness and squirrels

So, we're sick. This entire past week I could feel myself fighting it off - so much more tired than usual, little energy, i felt as though I was dragging myself around all week. Took it easy and let Chris take over most of the household chores while I chugged tea and tried to keep it at bay. Alas, the threatening cold took over two nights ago with a sick baby who couldn't fall asleep and a wiped out mama trying to keep him happy.

We spent yesterday at home in pjs all day. Something strange about going to bed in the same outfit you wore the night before AND all day and are still not changing out of it. Jude at least got fresh pjs after bathtime but me... well, let's just say I probably didn't smell my freshest! It was a pretty miserable day for us - watched Sid the Science Kid on youtube while the olympics played out on tv, yelled at the squirrels and tried to keep bebe's mind off of being sick.

Oh, did I not mention the squirrels? They're back!!!! ARRRGGGG!!! Last spring we had squirrels that found their way into the walls of the house we (thankfully) rent. After weeks of telling my landlord, I finally got through to him by suggesting they were chewing the wiring (which they probably were) and could start a fire. He sent the exterminator down who sealed up the access points and pumped poison into my walls... Now, usually I would be upset about toxic substances in the house but these squirrels had me completely batty and we had to get rid of them. They would run back and forth between the floors, along the walls and through the crawlspace, chittering and even fighting in there! Oh my god they had me SO ANGRY!!!

Thankfully, one dose of poison and they were dead! We did a victory dead squirrel dance and moved on, hoping they wouldn't come back in the fall. They didn't. But yesterday they found a way in and have been back to their old antics. I spend the day yelling at them and pounding on the walls with various implements to get them to shut it. And I can hear babies.... DAMN IT!

So now I've been told that squirrels will come back to where they were born so unless we kill every single one this time we're in for the same deal every year. I cannot WAIT for the exterminator to get here and already called the landlord yesterday morning to get him making arrangements. They woke Jude from his nap with all their racket and I swear to god if I see one I will kill it with my bare hands. Squirrels outside = cute. Squirrels in the house = devil.

No, my squirrels don't look cute like this - but all I could find for pictures were either completely evil or cute.

At least Christel came over for a nice visit and didn't even mind that I was in pjs with uncombed hair. True friends are great :)

Today I hope to make it out to Food Fare for some chicken soup ingredients and Breads & Circuses for fresh crusty bread. Yum yum.

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