March 4, 2010

love crawling kisses

Well the transition has officially begun. My little bug started fully crawling during this past week! He had been getting up on hands and knees since early January and I kept thinking that crawling was just around the corner. Turns out slithering around backwards is easy compared to mastering the forward motion!!  But he diligently 'practiced' every day, moving a little more each day until I turned around a couple days ago and he'd moved halfway across the living room. 

And I mourned.... 

I needed to say goodbye to those sweet baby days since more and more, it was being proven to me that my little bug was becoming a toddler. I took a few days to be sad for the days gone by, remembering all his firsts and his amazing growth these last eight months. And then, Tuesday I turned the corner and was able to fully embrace his new freedom and toddlerhood. I awoke excited by his rolling and turning around in bed, his new interest in things he'd never noticed before (lotion bottle?? COOL! what's THAT mom?? I want it!!) and his incredible amount of love!

The best thing? Kisses and hugs!!!! I have been showered in baby kisses lately, so much so that I wondered whether it was possible to get too many kisses. He kisses me when I ask him, he crawls over to give Mommy kisses, he interrupts my conversations by coming up with a kiss! It's the sweetest thing in the world. The other day I was talking away, not realizing that Jude was trying to get my attention until he was standing in my lap planting a goobery smooch on me :) Best. Interruption. Ever!!

I realize that I need that time to mourn and say goodbye to what we're moving on from. I adored being pregnant, that amazing belly proudly sticking out, creating life and feeling great! Near the end of my pregnancy, I vividly remember setting aside the excitement of days to come to close the pregnancy chapter. I spent a week or so being sad about losing the belly, no longer feeling Plum somersaulting and doing the starfish inside me, knowing that that moment will never exist for me again. Once I had moved on mentally I was able to look forward and focus on the birth.

Each milestone has brought sadness for what we've left behind mixed with excitement over his new skill or sound. Squeals and grunts and laughter and giggles.... Lately he loves making noise on his inhales (try it by breathing in deeply while constricting your throat) and it's hilarious! I can hear him talking in the room when he wakes up from his nap or chatting to the curtains in the living room. 

A retrospective of the last nine months of me and my bug:


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