March 21, 2010

the melt

Something about this time of year brings warring emotions to the surface. I notice it every spring -  I'm excited, actually beyond psyched, to get out and enjoy the sunshine and the melting snow but at the same time I start feeling sluggish, sometimes moody. I can't figure out what causes it but it seems to happen around this time every year.

Chris, me and the baby have all been passing around the same cold for the last couple weeks. Luckily we haven't felt its effects all at once but there is always one person in this household feeling under the weather. The last 5 NIGHTS have been brutal, with crying baby waking up every hour. Soon, soon I hope we will get back to normal and back to being night-weaned. Feeling sick wreaks havoc on your emotions too and I know Jude has been extra mom-attached lately. When Chris brought him over this morning he melted into my lap, draping his body into every nook of mine.

But all sickness aside, we've been enjoying the warm temperatures immensely! Out to the park, walks in the sunshine, wrapped onto my back - going out with only a sweater on is so exciting. I'm fully expecting another storm or two yet but I jumped the gun and put away all of our heavy winter clothing. It made my heart happy, so it was worth it :)

In other news, we all attended the initial court date for the man charged with hitting us. He has been charged with impaired driving and dangerous driving (for speeding at 140km/hr) causing injury. I wasn't sure what I would feel seeing him but I needed to be there and get a first hand impression of him. He's older than we thought, I'd guess 25-35 years, and showed up with his mom. Nothing happened in court other than he was instructed to speak with a lawyer before his next court appearance. I didn't feel like approaching to talk to him that day but I likely will in the future. That was enough emotional business for one day. 

Yesterday brought Jude out to Earls with my cousin Tanya and her hubby Colin. Lots of oohing and ahhing from the waitresses over my handsome little man. We've been hanging around in restaurants lots lately, craving pancakes but not wanting to actually cook any (that and our lack of syrup). He loves watching all the people eating around us. Much more exciting than our little nook I'm sure.

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