April 4, 2010

computers woes

I've been missing from computer-land since last Wednesday (five days? an eternity!!) after watching my computer slowly die in front of me. The trouble really started Tuesday when firefox suddenly shut down all screens. Then my computer couldn't follow any of the desktop links and it all started going downhill.

Thank GOD Celindy's boyfriend Jason is a computer god. She told me she would send him over the next day, not realizing it meant he'd be spending 12 hours over the next few days working diligently - and he's still not finished! For us who have no extra money to bring it in to get fixed and nowhere near the computer knowledge needed in order to rescue it, he's been an absolute godsend.

I definitely panicked, trying to frantically back up my newest pictures that were not saved anywhere else, and all my Jude videos (yes, i know. How many times I had looked at them thinking "i really should back these up" only to be distracted yet again and leave them helplessly spiralling into the black hole of my dying compute. Melodramatic? Not at all when it feels like your whole life is contained in this box that has been overtaken by a virus who now controls all functions.)

I did manage to burn discs of photographs but the video burning program would not allow me to do anything but watch (and hope) as Jason toiled hour after hour, fixing one problem only to find another issue.

The upside has been not having the timewaster on during the day. No checking facebook for no reason, no surfing in the evening to find that hours have passed. And really, I didn't miss anything. A few status updates and emails that didn't reach me but all in all I wasn't lacking in any knowledge of other people's goings-ons. If anything, it's taught me to stay away a little more. Of course I missed checking the weather. My bank balance. The regular things you do without thinking and later realize that although there surely is a way to do this over the phone, you don't even know where to call.

In other news - Jude is moving too fast to capture any new cute pictures! It was so much easier when he stayed in one spot but now the instant the camera comes out he starts reaching for it resulting in blurs and numerous shots of the top of his head. Sit still my bug! Enjoy this awesome picture I found online

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