March 14, 2010

spring has sprung!

Had such a great day yesterday - I can hardly believe we are having plus 10  weather and it's only March! The snow drifts that were three feet high only last week have melted to a thin blanket, the sidewalks are clear for strollers and bicycles, rubber boots are a necessity to navigate huge puddles of melt. Loving it!

Despite having had a rough sleep Friday night (poor bug's tummy was bothering so much we were awake for hours at a time rocking and nursing), he awoke happy and full of energy around 9 am. We decided to go out for breakfast with papa and walked the two blocks to the restaurant in sweaters only!! Bug's appetite was back after not holding down solids all day Friday so we enjoyed our eggs and real hashbrowns. I hate fake, prepackaged hashbrowns with a passion and got to rejoice over real potato hash. What I really wanted was pancakes or waffles, but Pembina Village Restaurant doesn't serve them. Any ideas of a restaurant close by Confusion Corner that does? Next time we'll be hitting up Smitty's unless we find something better.

Came home to play for a bit until Kristy and her nephew Chayne stopped by. It was great to visit with another baby that's close to Jude's age - we had fun sitting outside at Second Cup feeding the babes, walking down to the park and playing on the swings (Jude loved it! I forsee lots of summer days pushing him in the swing) and walking along Wellington. Thank GOODNESS for rubber boots or I would have been walking around in drenched feet for all the lakes we went through.

Bug was asleep when we got back and rather than move him and risk waking, I left him outside to fetch knitting and water. Then I stayed on the porch while he napped in the fresh air. When he woke we played around outside and walked the yard, planning and dreaming of even warmer days. Lots of bunny droppings although I hadn't seen many this winter and our crabapple tree is finally dropping last year's apples, soft and decomposing. I hope they compost quickly into the soil and are covered by grass.

Chris wants to build us a picnic table. I hope he does since I've been wanting to buy one, it would be even better if he builds it. Figured it should be simple enough to get a pattern and wood, and he has enough tools in the basement to get it done. I'm sure he'll think of something else to buy but I think we've got most of what we need. I would love to have him also build a baby table seat out of wood, if possible, to slide onto the end. We'll see it that's possible...

I have lots I want to do this summer and hope it's all possible and I have enough time between returning to work and spending time with baby. We shall see.

Today I'm listening to The FugitivesMark Berube and the Patriotic Few and Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers. I was looking up the Fugitives on myspace since I wanted to listen to them but didn't feel like digging out my CD. I guess they have a new album out now, sans Mark Berube and C.R. Avery, and I don't really like it as much as their last. Who knows, maybe it'll grow on me more after a couple listens but doesn't catch me as much as Graffiti Sex or Greyhound or Microphone did. Loved their fusion of slam poetry, instruments and Mark's voice...

I think I'll go do a little more knitting while the boys are still sleeping.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an AMAZING day~
    Lots of smiles and love and sunshine!!!
