July 20, 2011

sunset field

I would love to make love in a field, surrounded by grasses and rushes three feet high, invisible from the road in a world completely your own.

this is where I've walked to, just down the road from the cottage. Scaled a fence and trespassed into fields buffeted by winds as the sun sets slowly over Lac du Bonnet. I needed this time, to relax, to be alone, to walk without aim or effort. i feel hidden, lost from sight as wind caresses nude feet, softly edging over soles too often treaded and forgotten.

I may be discovered. oh well. had heard the truck moving down the road, searching me out. will see if steps approach, apologize and meekly escape to the road, and home.

searching, searching.

if only he would call out to me i would sit and face my dues... or would i? hard to say as i see him stride not twenty feet away and call out - what? What?! then the truck starts up. drives around the bend and stops. are you drawing me out, was this a terribly bad idea? if so, couldn't you call to me rather then drive up and down the road, searching me out? unless that wasn't the idea but you came into the field, looking looking.

i stayed low, waiting quietly. if this was cow pasture the grasses would be trampled, if bulls lived here and i feared for my life the signs would be visible. i strode far enough from the road to lay hidden as you patrolled the field, clearly having seen me enter. to stop me, for what reason other than to protect your field i don't know. protect from what, from whom? to scare me? to catch me? i lay here, ready to be caught or to wait for darkness and creep out.

** i don't have a photo of me to accompany this post. every picture of me is in relation to others

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