August 10, 2010


I have all these ideas for blogs while I move through my day. Yet when I sit to start writing the ideas dangle out of reach and I can't recall what I planned to say. What a busy and ... i feel like using a word that ends with "aining" (straining, draining, etc) but none of them are quite right. It was just a difficult, long day. Jude has had a rough few days. Apart from discovering a burn on his finger two days ago with mysterious origins, the heat has turned him into a sweaty, moody babe who alternates clinging and crying at me all day. After a rough few days of teething and feeling generally unwell, and with the muggy weather to content with, we had a full slate today.

Chris was an angel getting up with him this morning as I prepared to crawl out of bed exhausted at 6:45. When I woke to a happy baby and pancakes warm in the oven I was so happy for the start of the day. But the heat makes me grumpy. I should be clear - the heavy humid sticky heat that assaults you out the door and makes your skin clammy and wet in minutes affects all of our moods. Chris and I were both drained the day before laying down inside, headaches moving in and both with such little energy. Our only time outside the air conditioned oasis was a welcome change of scenery at Celindy and Jason's, who had us over for chicken pad thai and drinks. Despite Jude terrorizing the cats with excited thumps and inconsolable sobbing when mom went on the porch for a minute without him, we had a great time. Dark rooms, humming fans and air conditioner, stuffed to the brim and lived in. What a difference from all the years I knew Celindy living alone! Now she shares with her man and their female roomate whose creativity overflows in all spaces and the lovers build a literal life of stuff together. It was such a great evening with friends and I was glad to be here enjoying it.

Along Corydon Avenue we ran in to get gelati on the way home. Coconut was the most amazing, non-sweet but perfect confection. Mango was too sweet for the heat (yes, I'm still on about that!). I'm still craving more tonight, perhaps with a mocha or expresso flavour. Mmmmm.

Without going into each event today was a "_____" day. We visited friends and played in the yard thankfully shaded today through the clouds. I finally placed myself in my son's place after getting groceries and telling him not to do things one too many times. I wasn't taking time to explain why I didn't want him doing things and I don't want to become the type of parent I was today. So I stopped unloading groceries, picked him up and apologized to him for how mama was treating him. It's not ok and I need to take time for him within our busy lives. A lesson. I've become good at recognizing the lessons in trying days.

All ended well with books and cuddles, a nurse and a nice sleep... One day I want to write about our nursing journey. That's a topic for another day.

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