June 7, 2010

sarah's terrible horrible no-good very bad day

Yesterday was a terrible day. From morning to night, everything that could go wrong did. If I really want to complain I could point out that things started to go bad the night before when I received an email from my yoga teacher telling me that the postnatal class that I adore is being canceled during the summer. But really, let's stick to yesterday.

Jude woke up at 6:30 am. I refuse to get out of bed until 7 but yesterday was extra bad since Chris and I stayed up late playing board games and watching Zombieland the night before. He worked until 9pm so I ordered Thai, made mojitos and was stocked with plenty of snacks so I could give him a relaxing night before I go back to work and leave him alone with Jude. That night was a success - unexpected and very appreciated. But we didn't get to bed until nearly 2am, so when Jude started stirring neither of us were ready to get up.

I was just about ready to get up at 6:55 but apparently took too long as the babe suddenly took a flying leap over mama - and fell out of bed on his head. We jumped into action and although he was stunned and hardly crying, I knew it was a terrible way to start the day. After a couple hours of playing, books and breakfast, spent the next hour attempting naps. Finally Chris took Jude out to play and left mama having a nap. So far, not too horrible right? What else could happen on my terrible horrible no-good very bad day?

1) Bath #1 - babe peed all over himself as I was changing his morning poop. Much easier to strip off and dunk in the tub than attempt to clean with a washcloth.

2) Papa fed the babe Tempra (Tylenol) to help with his awful teething pain and forgot to screw the lid back on. So the babe spilled the entire pink-dyed contents on the ground and himself. Bath #2.

3) Babe was out of sorts all day, signing to me that his head was hurting (he uses the sign for milk around whatever hurts... it's cute but also a great way to know what's going on). Whether from the major teething or the morning head bonk or (my worry) something else that we won't know about til we go to the doctor, he was miserable, hardly eating anything and crying most of the day.

4) Was bumped from my Toronto crew with Celindy. This was particularly hard to swallow since I expected to leave Tuesday and have been working to prepare myself for that. I was finally feeling emotionally ready to be away for 3.5 days, was mostly packed, had switched Chris' shifts, etc etc etc... and now I can't hold Toronto and have to go bump into a Vancouver crew which means I'll be gone 6 days. I knew this was a possibility but I wasn't going to prepare myself for that until I had to... which now I do.

I was so upset, I cried and moped around for the rest of the day. Chris was an awesome support, following me around with hugs and encouragement even though it also means a longer single-parenthood for him. I go in today to bump in.

Clearly that colored my day - everything was bad after that. But it was, it all felt like a horrible, awful no-good day.

I will be gone on the train for my son's first birthday if I bump onto the crew I want. I stepped in a giant puddle on the bathroom floors just before bed. I dropped chocolate ice cream on my white skirt. A glass of water slipped through my fingers and spilled all over Chris and me. IT'S ALL TERRIBLE!!!!

This is how I feel - hug me!

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