September 20, 2010

colds and flus

I am coming down with something. Perhaps it's just the beginning and I can catch it early and head it off with ginger and honey and lemon and booze (just kidding. but, not really. a little booze can help with the sore throat.). According to Chatelaine, here are 10 Ways to Stay Flu Free. See if you can spot my problemssssss...
  1. Get the latest vaccine - I have never been vaccinated in my life. I believe in allowing your body to create an immunity by exposure and healthy living, not by introducing an outside virus loaded with preservatives and other nasty stuff in hopes of creating an immunity. So, NO!
  2. Wash your hands - Good one, Chatelaine! I do this often but a reminder is always helpful.
  3. Take Time to Breathe - also good, relating to stress and how when you are stressed it sends your immune system out of whack. Although in the info, they state it "can impair how well your body responds to the vaccine." You've seen my thoughts on that. And who has time to breathe when you're stressed!! AAAHhhh
  4. Stock up on Sanitizers - Well..... I do have a natural sanitizer. Which Chatelaine tells me is basically useless because unless the alcohol content is 1000% (jk) it's useless. And I believe my sanitizer is alcohol-free. So, balls. 
  5. Clean Surfaces - like doorknobs. Or, with a toddler, like the entire house from eye-level down. Hmmm, not gonna happen.
  6. Eat Well - true, there has been a lot of bread lately. And premade meals to give me time to get everything else done...
  7. Take Vitamin D - I'm heading to the store today! Definitely lacking.
  8. Sleep Tight - Um, no. We maybe got 4.5 hours last night. Maybe. And then I woke up with a scratchy throat. It's bad when you look forward to going to work because 5 hours on a noisy train is better than home sleep.
  9. Steer clear of coughing coworkers - HEAR THAT? All you sickies, stay home. Oh wait, that's me. And I need the money. So, how about.... you steer clear of me?? sorry.
  10. Walk Every Day - I generally do, and am still sick. Some things you  can't avoid.
Today I want to stay in my pjs all day. Doesn't matter that I have to go to the grocery store. I'm gonna be that mom, in her fuzzy pajama bottoms and hair sticking straight up, barking at her kids cuz she's stressed and sick, the one who everyone looks at and thinks "pull it together!" and then quietly looks away. And then, I'm gonna come home and drink cheap red wine still in last night's pajamas and avoid the to-do list which tells me everything that ABSOLUTELY MUST BE DONE RIGHT NOW and pretend like it's ok that I spent naptime taking a bath and reading magazines on the couch. It's ok, right? We're all entitled to days like this, aren't we? Does this mean I should start taking my meds again or am I just in a little stress/sick/busy funk?


  1. Awwww.....Im sick too! Last night after finally dragging my butt to the walk-in (which was closed) I decided that the Green Curry and Coconut Milk veggie soup! Was so close to your place (Sukhothai) and was thinking of of stopping by...but didnt want to spread my germs!

  2. and it wouldn't have mattered.. as we're all sick here anyway. NOT looking forward to going on the train tomorrow. But curry soup sounds Good! hmmm, possibilities. Don't forget to see me soon as I have a gift! for you! yes, bribery...
